The Bridge is The TOP's ministry designed for young single adults ages 18-35, equipping single adults to service, with purpose, for a mission.
The Bridge focuses on personal growth, spiritual development, community evangelism, and connection with like-minded singles. The goal of The Bridge is to mobilize this generation and help them reach their maximum potential in the Kingdom of God. Using the Bible as our authority, we exist to glorify God by "Equipping single adults to Service, with Purpose, for a Mission."
Whether you're in college or pursuing your career, this is a time of transition, and transition, though exciting, can be difficult. This is the time in your life when you realize there are no guarantees and the only thing you can count on is God. That's why it's so important that you stay connected to Him.
The Bridge meets every Wednesday night at 7:30 in room 213 (upstairs - Main Bldg). The Bridge also employs activities and events on a regular basis which provides social interaction and awesome fun.