Welcome to the online home for the Temple of Pentecost's Children's Ministries. At the TOP, we place a high priority on our children & our outreach efforts involving children. We believe our children are our greatest treasure. We hope that by viewing this site, you'll come to understand how much we love and value children at the Temple of Pentecost.
Sunday AM & Wednesday PMThe TOP nursery is available for infants and toddlers for Sunday AM and Wednesday PM services.
Kids Power Zone
Sunday Mornings @ 10:30 AMThe Kids Power Zone meets on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM in the upstairs education center. This is available for children ages 3 - 12.
Christian Training Night
Wednesday Evenings @ 7:30 PMWednesday Evening is Family Christian Training Night at the TOP. Classes are available for all age groups, including children up to age 12.
Jr. Bible Quizzing
Schedule VariesJr. Bible Quizzing is a program available to children through age 12. Children memorize a couple hundred Bible scriptures over the course of the Bible Quizzing season, and compete in quiz tournaments against other churches in the area.
Kids Hour of Power
Last Sunday of Each Month - Schedule PermittingKid's Hour of Power is a monthly children's service directed right at children ages 5-12. It is held in the upstairs prayer room. Check the events for the next scheduled Kid's Hour.
Kids Kollege of Bible Knowledge
Summer Vacation Bible SchoolKid's Kollege is our yearly summer Vacation Bible School. Check the schedule for dates and times.